Sage+Flame Monthly Subscription Boxes

Specially curated collection of goods for the Modern Spiritualist.

Monthly Subscription Boxes

Monthly Subscription Boxes

A specially curated box for the modern spiritualist.
Shipped directly to you, every month.

Standard Box: $44 / month
Deluxe Box: $78 / month
includes shipping

Once you sign up, we’ll reach out to collect your mailing address.

Gifting Options Available


3 & 6 Month Gifting Options Available!

Upon purchase, you’ll receive a printable PDF to gift to the recipient.


  • You will not receive a box in the month you sign up. You will receive your first box the following month.

    Example: If you sign up in February, you will receive your first box in March.

  • You will be charged on the same day every month, based the date you sign up.

    if you sign up on the February 22nd, you will be charged on the 22nd of each following month.

  • We ship out boxes between the 1st-5th of each month.

    Mail carrier times vary, but you will generally receive your box by the 10th.

  • We have two options for our boxes: standard and deluxe. The standard box is $44 / month and the deluxe box is $78 / month. Both prices include shipping.

  • The deluxe box has items that are a higher price point. These could include clothing, jewelry, accessories, larger candles, and oracle cards.

  • No problem! You can cancel at any time. Simply email

  • This will vary from month to month, which is part of the fun!

    But, for those who needs to know, here are some examples: crystals, candles, ritual items, room and body sprays, soaps, shower steamers, palo santo, key chains, stickers, and more.

  • Each box has 3-5 specially curated items.

  • Some examples are: Manifestation Magic, Energetic Protection, Self-love, Energy Cleansing Club, Moon Magic.

You in?

You in? ⋆

Once you sign up, we’ll reach out to collect your mailing address.